Shire Farm

This map is as British as they come, narrow lanes, hedgerows, organic field shapes and farms scattered across the map. Shir Farm has many options for play styles, from small to medium and even larger equipment. With plenty of grass fields scattered amongst the larger arable fields as well as animal pens of all sorts you’ll have plenty to do to keep yourself busy.

Welcome to Shire Farm, Located in the beautiful rolling hills of the Cotswolds. Shire Farms is a large mixed arable and silage contractor.

- 58 Fields of varying sizes.
- UK based GEO for Seasons. (by Disturbed Simulations)
- Industrial estate featuring multiple production and sell points for your harvest.
- Forestry land available for the loggers.
- UK license plates built into the map - Credits to Oxygendavid
- Everything can be sold individually: the hedges, sheds, trees and other placed objects so you can freely build your own farm.
- 100 Collectibles to find

Original links are on the map directory, otherwise you can pick it up in game in the modhub.

Also, take a look at Farmer Klein’s map review below.


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